Daily Verse

“And His mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation.” – LUKE 1:50


In the Old Testament, Mercy was the greatest attribute of God known to man (Dan 9:9, 18; Neh 9:31). Fear God and you will never have to live in dread of Him. When you truly fear God out of your heart, the ever merciful God will be true to His word and grant mercy to you and your family. You are already crowned with His manifold mercies (Ps 103:4). You are destined to taste the two-fold measure of His unlimited mercies: ‘Chesed’ (loving kindness/merciful kindness) (Ps 117:2) and ‘Racham’ (tender mercies) – (Hos 2:19; Isa 63:7; Ps 25:6; 51:1).