Dr. Jedidiah Tham
With a burden for enduring revival, Dr. Jedidiah strongly exhorts all believers to hunger for a deeper level of glory, righteousness and holiness. His desire is to see the consecration of the cross and the intimate yearning for Christ in the lives of all saints. His consuming passion is for all believers to experience the glory fires of Exodus 33:18 and for the mandate of Habakkuk 2:14 and Romans 8:19 to come into fruition. As such, he bears a two-fold mandate: To build strong spiritual foundations among believers by the pursuit of a strong inner life; and to impart life-changing breakthroughs through bold but incisive teachings. By means of prophetic discourses and revelatory expositions, Jedidiah has challenged many hearts to ignite a holy passion in “loving His word and living His life.” Jedidiah is also the author of these books: Mechanics of Prayer, Dimensions of Tongues, The Great Economic Earthquakes, The Musing Mind, Apple of His Eye, Drawing Near the Oracle, The Apple of His Eye, The Dominion Factor, The Visualisation Factor, The Dominion of His Glory and The Fear of the Lord.
Ten Major Objectives of the Living Lilies
1. To raise up hungry believers and churches alike that will strive after “breakthrough” experiences in their walk with the Lord.
2. To build an apostolic foundation in the lives of believers in this (21 st) century that will have the inner strength and wisdom to withstand the coming stormy days and end time shakings.
3. To raise up an Enoch generation that will have a burning passion to pursue the bridal intimacy with Christ. These will become His beloved remnant-saints that will flood the face of the earth with testimonies of Christ-likeness.
4. To locate, expose, and destroy hidden demonic operations and satanic strongholds in various territories of the world. To stir up strong prophetic awakenings and revelations concerning strategic deliverance plans as well as team ministries.
5. To be a “salt” of influence that will penetrate prophetically into the lives of key influential people of various societies in different parts of the world.
6. To exert a strong apostolic influence on the Chinese Christian communities worldwide.
7. To become a strong prophetic voice in releasing non-compromising messages regarding the Cross-life and a life of holiness.
8. To establish the Father’s anointing and to raise up many disciples and spiritual sons and daughters — to prepare for this last age where we shall see a new generation of Joel’s army of radical youths.
9. To promote the levels of revelatory knowledge, practical wisdoms and spiritual growth through literary publications.
10. To increase the passions for revivals in the end time outpouring of His glory. To pursue heavenly experience as eagles in the Kingdom of God.